Presently, superstar Shah Rukh Khan is occupied with the promotion of his next comedy-drama picture, “Dunki.” As part of the movie’s promotion, the official trailer was shown on Tuesday at the Burj Khalifa, the world’s tallest building. This was followed by a unique drone show. Large crowds of fans gathered to witness the moment in SRK’s presence. Numerous drones light up the sky during the show. Drones created patterns in the sky, including Shah Rukh Khan’s name, the title “Dunki,” an aeroplane, and the actor’s famous open-arms stance. On social media, a number of the event’s photos and videos went viral.
The ‘Chak De India’ actor’s fan club, SRK Universe, released several images and videos from the spectacular occasion. SRK wore black sunglasses, a red jacket, matching denim, and a black T-shirt. In Dubai, SRK promoted the movie and looked amazing. In addition to the “Don” actor, other attendees included writer Abhijat Joshi and film director Rajkumar Hirani. Speaking of “Dunki,” Taapsee Pannu, Boman Irani, and Vicky Kaushal play the key roles alongside SRK.
“Dunki,” penned by Abhijat Joshi, Rajkumar Hirani, and Kanika Dhillon, is a charming story about four friends and their journey to discover new lands. It outlines the difficult but transformative journey they are going to take to realise their aspirations. “Dunki,” a story of love and friendship inspired by true events, unites these wildly different tales and offers both heartwarming and humorous solutions.
The official Dunki trailer, titled “Dunki: Drop 4,” was recently released by the film’s creators and provides an insight into Rajkumar Hirani’s world. The tone of the upcoming adventure is set by the opening scene, which features SRK riding a train.
The film presents the whimsical characters, beginning with SRK’s Hardy, who arrives in a picturesque Punjabi village and meets a group of lively friends named Manu, Sukhi, Buggu, and Balli. These friends all share the dream of going to London to seek better opportunities and a better life for their loved ones back home. The movie “Dunki” is scheduled to open in theatres on December 21.
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