January 14, 2025: Actor Aadar Jain and Alekha Advani have officially tied the knot in a beautiful Christian ceremony in Goa, surrounded by their closest friends and family. For her special day, Alekha wore an elegant white gown with a veil, while Aadar looked sharp in a grey suit. The couple shared intimate moments from their wedding on Instagram Stories, including a tender hug and their first kiss as husband and wife.
Actress Karisma Kapoor, who was present at the celebration, shared a photo of the newlyweds on her Instagram Stories, captioning it, "Celebrating Alekha and Aadar." She also posted a picture of Aadar wearing a jacket with the words "Vows and Vibes." Neetu Kapoor also shared a family portrait from the wedding.
The couple's journey to the altar began with a roka ceremony in November 2023, which saw several Bollywood stars in attendance, including Kareena Kapoor, Karisma Kapoor, Ranbir Kapoor, Alia Bhatt, and Neetu Kapoor. Aadar had announced his engagement to Alekha in September 2023 with a heartwarming proposal by the sea, sharing intimate pictures of the moment on Instagram.
Aadar and Alekha made their relationship public in November 2023, when Aadar posted a photo with her, calling her the "light of my life." Aadar Jain, the son of Reema and Manoj Jain, had previously been in a relationship with actress Tara Sutaria, but the couple reportedly parted ways earlier this year.
Aadar Jain, who debuted in Bollywood with Qaidi Band in 2017, was last seen in the film Hello Charlie.