January 15, 2025: Navya Nanda, granddaughter of the iconic Jaya Bachchan and Amitabh Bachchan, recently shared pictures from her trip to the Rann of Kutch, Gujarat, capturing the stunning beauty of the white desert. Initially, she posted images featuring her grandmother and mother, Shweta Bachchan, but later removed those and uploaded more solo pictures, showcasing herself against the vast desert landscape.
In her post, she simply captioned it, "Rann of Kutch [?]," with a video of local women dancing in the desert, highlighting the vibrant culture of the region.
Her mother, Shweta, teased her in the comments, asking, "Did you go alone??" to which Navya responded with laughing emojis, playfully acknowledging the solo nature of her updated post.
Navya, though from a family of actors, has pursued her own path in entrepreneurship, founding Project Naveli in 2021 to combat gender inequality in India. Additionally, she hosts the popular podcast What The Hell Navya, where she has conversations with her mother and grandmother, offering a glimpse into their family dynamics.