October 31, 2024: Rishab Shetty, known for his breakout role in "Kantara," is set to headline the sequel to Prasanth Varma's "Hanu-Man," now titled "Jai Hanuman." The makers recently unveiled the first-look poster, showcasing Rishab dressed as Lord Hanuman, holding an idol of Lord Rama inside what appears to be a temple.
ALSO READ : Rishab Shetty Opens Up On How His Life Changed Post ‘Kantara’ Success
Prasanth Varma shared the poster on social media, expressing his excitement about collaborating with Shetty and the production house Mythri Official. He emphasized the festive spirit of Diwali and the film's divine themes, inviting fans to resonate the chant "JAI HANUMAN" globally.
"Jai Hanuman" is part of the Prasanth Varma Cinematic Universe (PVCU) and promises to be a grand action-drama with a high budget and top-notch technical standards. The release date has yet to be announced, but fans are eagerly anticipating more details.