Telugu actor Nagarjuna Akkineni has filed a defamation case against Telangana Congress Minister Konda Surekha over remarks she made about the divorce between his son, actor Naga Chaitanya, and actress Samantha Ruth Prabhu.
The complaint, filed under Section 356 of the Bhartiya Nayay Sanhita in a Hyderabad district court, accuses the minister of making defamatory statements during a Gandhi Jayanti program on October 2, 2024.
Nagarjuna's complaint emphasizes that his family, including his son, enjoys immense public respect and that the accusations made by Konda Surekha have harmed their reputation. The divorce between Naga Chaitanya and Samantha, which took place in 2021 after their 2017 marriage, has been widely covered by the media, but both actors have maintained a dignified image post-separation.
Naga Chaitanya also shared a copy of the complaint on his social media, further drawing public attention to the matter.
The legal filing includes both criminal and civil defamation charges. While the criminal defamation aspect could lead to legal consequences, the civil suit seeks financial compensation for the harm done to the family's reputation due to Surekha's comments.