Actor Varun Dhawan attended the trailer launch of his niece Anjini Dhawan's debut film Binny and Family on Friday, marking a significant moment in her career. The event saw a star-studded attendance, including the film's cast members Rajesh Kumar and Pankaj Kapur. Producers Ektaa R Kapoor, Mahaveer Jain, and Subhash Ghai were also present, adding to the grandeur of the occasion.
Mahaveer Jain, sharing his enthusiasm for the project, stated, "For all of us, this film has been a fulfilling experience, and I’m excited to see audiences connect with this heartfelt story. This film beautifully captures the essence of family dynamics and the generational gaps we all navigate. I believe Binny And Family will not only entertain but also inspire and connect with everyone who values the beauty of family bonds.”
Ektaa Kapoor expressed her pride in presenting a story that highlights the crucial role grandparents play in families. "It’s a beautiful film. When I was shown the film, I was very, very happy and I told him I’d love to present the film because grandparents are that part of a family that cinema has not given enough importance to... They develop an even better relationship with the children than you can have because you are living life and they see their youth in your child. Yet, this one relationship no one has captured in films. So, I’m so proud.”
Varun Dhawan, who has been a supportive uncle throughout Anjini's journey, took to Instagram Stories shortly after the event to welcome her to the film industry. He shared the trailer of Binny and Family with a heartfelt message: "@anjinidhawan this is so good, welcome to the Movies," followed by a hug emoji.
The trailer, which runs for 2 minutes and 39 seconds, provides a glimpse into the life of Binny, a young girl who loves living on her own terms. The plot thickens as her grandparents move in with her parents, leading to generational conflicts that promise an engaging watch.
Written and directed by Ssanjay Tripaathy, Binny and Family is set to release on September 20, 2024. The film is poised to be an entertaining and heartwarming exploration of family dynamics and the often overlooked bond between grandparents and grandchildren.