December 8, 2024: Renowned filmmaker Subhash Ghai, known for directing iconic films like Taal and Pardes, has been admitted to Lilavati Hospital in Mumbai following health complications. The 79-year-old experienced respiratory issues, weakness, and frequent dizziness, prompting his admission to the ICU on Wednesday.
Hospital sources confirmed that Ghai is under the care of a specialised team, including neurologist Dr. Vijay Chaudhary, cardiologist Dr. Nitin Gokhale, and pulmonologist Dr. Jalil Parkar. According to updates, the veteran director is responding well to treatment and is expected to be moved from the ICU to a general ward within a day.
A spokesperson for Subhash Ghai stated, "He is absolutely fine and was admitted for a routine check-up," reassuring fans of his condition.
Subhash Ghai is a celebrated figure in Indian cinema, with a career spanning decades. He has directed classics such as Kalicharan, Karz, Hero, Ram Lakhan, Saudagar, Khalnayak, and Vidhaata. His last directorial venture was the 2014 film Kaanchi.
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