Actor Vijay Deverakonda, fresh off the success of 'Family Star,' is set to embark on a new cinematic journey with producer Dil Raju for an exciting project.
Director Ravi Kiran Kola recently took to social media to announce the collaboration, sharing a picture featuring Vijay Deverakonda and Dil Raju. The caption hinted at the dynamic partnership ahead, stating, "It's time for our Vicious Dynamite to be lit. It's time now, to make our vision a reality."
The upcoming film, yet to be titled, marks the maiden collaboration between Vijay Deverakonda and Ravi Kiran Kola, promising a fresh and compelling cinematic experience.
'Family Star,' Vijay Deverakonda's latest outing directed by Parasuram Petla and produced by Dil Raju, continues to receive acclaim for its heartfelt narrative and stellar performances. As the actor ventures into new territory with Ravi Kiran Kola, anticipation mounts for what promises to be another cinematic gem.
Stay tuned for more updates on this exciting collaboration, set to unfold on April 9th.