Mumbai (Maharashtra) [India] : Makers of the upcoming movie '12th Fail', on Wednesday, announced the film's official release date.
Starring actor Vikrant Massey in the lead role, the film is all set to hit the theatres on October 27. Taking to Twitter, production house Zee Studios tweeted, "Inspired by a true story and the real stories of millions of Indians, '12th Fail' is based on the best-selling book of the same name. For the first time, Zee Studios and producer-director Vidhu Vinod Chopra have come together to present this film worldwide. "Transformative", "hard-hitting" and "deeply moving" -- '12th Fail' is being described as one of the most important films ever made in India. An absolute must watch! '12th Fail' releases in cinemas worldwide on 27th October."
The film is helmed by Vidhu Vinod Chopra. After making cinematic gems like 'Parinda', '1942: A Love Story', 'Mission Kashmir', the 'Munnabhai' franchise, '3 Idiots', and 'PK,' the producer-director is directing and producing '12th Fail', which has been adapted from Anurag Pathak's bestselling novel of the same name.
The film is inspired by the real-life story of IPS Officer Manoj Kumar Sharma and IRS Officer Shraddha Joshi. But '12th Fail' isn't a biography as much as it is a portrait of the power of one - how one man or a woman with integrity can create seismic change. The film has been the talk of the town for many reasons, mainly for being the first film to be shot in Delhi's Mukherjee Nagar, the hub of Hindi medium UPSC preparations.
Talking about the film, Vidhu Vinod Chopra earlier said, "I have a feeling that this could be my best-performed film till date. When I started filming '12th Fail', I had no idea I would end up enjoying it this much, that it would perhaps turn out to be one of my best films. Also, everyone in the crew was so young... I got to boss around kids half my age, while making a film about students. What else do I want in life?"
Vikrant Massey earlier said, "My experience on this film was phenomenal... probably the best experience I ever had. It is one of the most special stories that I am a part of... and also one of the most challenging parts that I had to play. I'm really, really excited. Working with VVC was literally coming-of-age for me. Him, the actors, the whole crew... everyone was phenomenal. One thing that I want to say is that the entire journey of the character was very personal for me... in the last 2 months of filming I have lived 6 to 8 months of my life."