The actors Rakesh Bedi and Vindu Dara Singh are scheduled to play "Ramleela" in front of the Ram Temple in Ayodhya, known as "Pran Pratishtha." Vindu Dara Singh said in an interview with ANI, "I have been invited to perform Ram Leela in Ayodhya from January 16–22. Lord Shiva is the character I'm portraying. We shall see Ayodhya as the world's most popular pilgrimage location. There are rumors that Satyayuga is actually occurring within Kaliyuga. Modi ji and Yogi ji are our Ram ji; they are serving the nation by working extremely hard." "A lot of changes will automatically start coming after the construction of the airport," stated Rakesh Bedi. The airport automatically triggers rapid development wherever it is constructed."
In Ayodhya, Ramleela has begun as of today. Vindu Dara Singh will portray Shiva in Ramleela. To highlight the importance of Lord Ram around the world, the Uttar Pradesh government previously made the decision to host performances of over eighteen different types of Ramleelas at Ayodhya and around the nation. On January 2, the choices were made in a meeting presided over by Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath. While Ramleela is done in many Indian states according to the customs of the locals, there are also Ramleela performances outside. at this regard, from Makar Sankranti (January 15) to January 22, numerous Ramleela forms will be staged at Ayodhya's cultural centers in an effort to heighten the grandeur of the consecration ritual of Lord Ram.
The date of the Pran Pratishtha event is January 22. The Ramotsav celebrations will feature Ramleela troupes from Nepal, Cambodia, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Indonesia, and other nations. Furthermore, a variety of events based on the life of Lord Ram will be presented by Ramleela troupes from states including Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Haryana, Karnataka, Sikkim, Kerala, Chhattisgarh, Jammu & Kashmir, Ladakh, and Chandigarh. There are scheduled performances on the Tulsi Manch at Tulsi Bhawan Memorial, including Ramleelas from all over the world and India.
Also, a number of folk art, cultural, and spiritual events will be held, such as Ramleela at Purushottam Manch in Ramkatha Park, Saryu Manch in Bhajan-Sandhya, Kagbhusundi Manch in Tulsi Udyan, and Tulsi Manch in Tulsi Smarak Bhavan.