November 10, 2024: Director Vivek Ranjan Agnihotri, the filmmaker behind the highly impactful The Kashmir Files, has officially commenced shooting for his new project, The Delhi Files - The Bengal Chapter. Agnihotri shared the exciting news with his fans on social media, posting a behind-the-scenes video of the team conducting a traditional puja to mark the beginning of the film’s production. The director’s heartfelt message accompanying the post read:
“SHUBHARAMBH! With your blessings, the shooting of #TheDelhiFiles began today. A puja was conducted by all the devis of the crew. O Mother! Please give us the courage to tell this difficult tale with utmost honesty and fearlessly.”
The film, a part of Agnihotri's The Delhi Files series, is set to explore significant historical events, with this particular chapter focusing on the Bengal story. As with his previous films, Agnihotri is leaving no stone unturned in ensuring historical accuracy.
A press release from the production team revealed that the director has conducted in-depth research, travelling to key locations such as Kerala, Kolkata, and Delhi. He has studied over 100 books, reviewed more than 200 articles, and sifted through over 7,000 research pages. To further ensure authenticity, Agnihotri and his team have also visited 20 states across India.
The Delhi Files - The Bengal Chapter will be produced by Agnihotri’s frequent collaborator, producer Abhishek Agarwal, under the banner of Abhishek Agarwal Arts in association with Agnihotri’s own production company, I Am Buddha. The film is slated for release on August 15, 2025.
This post was last modified on November 10, 2024 7:47 pm
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