Hollywood Tollywood The actor Yash arrived in Hubballi and is currently travelling to Gadag to meet the relatives of his three fans who perished from electrocution while hanging birthday banners. Today is the actor Yash's birthday. As a result, the fans had an early nighttime plan to install the cutout at the village's Ambedkar Nagar. The youth who was holding the enormous cutout was electrocuted when it struck an electric wire during installation. Consequently, three young people perished instantly.
"Three youths were electrocuted in Karnataka's Gadag district on Sunday night after a huge flex of actor Yash, which they were installing to wish his birthday, came into contact with the electric wire," police said. The incident happened in the district's Lakshmeshwar taluk at the Surangi village. The names of the deceased are Hanamanta Harijan (age 21), Murali Nadavinamani (age 20), and Naveen Ghazi (19).
Three additional individuals sustained serious injuries, and they have been admitted to Lakshmeshwar Hospital for medical attention. The Lakshmeshwar police station is in charge of the incident. Regarding his career, Yash's upcoming film is titled "Toxic: A Fairy Tale of Grown-ups." The movie, which is helmed by Geetu Mohandas, is scheduled to open in theatres on April 10, 2025. According to the hype, the movie is an action movie with the drug mafia as the background.
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