Gurmeet Choudhary Selected for National Sprinting Competition


Actor Gurmeet Choudhary has exciting news to share with his fans. On Wednesday, Gurmeet took to Instagram to announce that he has been selected for the National Sprinting Competition. This achievement marks a significant milestone in his athletic journey, which has been closely tied to his dedication to his latest project.

In his Instagram post, Gurmeet wrote, “Thrilled to share that I got selected for the national sprinting competition! While preparing for Commander Karan Saxena, I worked so hard, training morning, afternoon, and evening. Seeing the teaser on air now makes me feel proud of myself. It’s all about hard work, dedication, and consistency. There’s some magic in the word ‘commander’ itself. Nevertheless, I’m off to nationals—wish me luck! Jai Hind.”

Gurmeet expressed his gratitude towards his supporters, adding, “Your unwavering support and belief in me have made this journey possible. I am truly grateful and excited for what’s ahead!”

To give fans a glimpse of his rigorous preparation, Gurmeet also shared a video showcasing the intense physical training he underwent for his role as Commander Karan Saxena. The video highlights the dedication and effort that have contributed to his success in both his acting career and his athletic pursuits.

Additionally, Gurmeet extended his thanks to his coach, Sadashivji, Disney Plus Hotstar, and the entire team of ‘Commander Karan Saxena’ for their faith in him. This support system has played a crucial role in his journey, enabling him to achieve such remarkable milestones.

Gurmeet’s selection for the National Sprinting Competition is a testament to his hard work, dedication, and relentless pursuit of excellence. Fans and followers are eagerly awaiting his performance at the nationals, wishing him the best of luck as he takes on this new challenge.

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