"Telugu star Allu Arjun’s arrest sparks controversy as legal arguments emphasize lack of intent in Sandhya Theatre stampede case."
Hyderabad (Telangana), December 13: Telugu cinema superstar Allu Arjun has been remanded to 14 days in judicial custody in connection with the tragic stampede at Sandhya Theatre on December 4 during the premiere of his film, Pushpa 2: The Rule. The stampede claimed the life of a 35-year-old woman, Revathi, and injured her son, Shreethej, prompting a police investigation that led to the arrest of three individuals and now the actor himself.
Speaking about the case, Advocate Suresh Babu confirmed the court’s decision, stating, "The court has sent him to 14-day remand." Advocate Rajesh, representing Allu Arjun, argued that the actor had no knowledge or intent to commit any offenses and that the charges listed in the FIR were not applicable to his client.
Earlier in the day, Allu Arjun was questioned at the Chikkadpally police station, where his father, Allu Aravind, brother Allu Sirish, and father-in-law Kancharla Chandrasekhar Reddy were present during the proceedings.
The stampede occurred when an overwhelming number of fans rushed into the theatre following the actor’s arrival for the premiere event. The chaos resulted in a mild lathi charge by the police to control the crowd, but the incident left the public in shock.
The police have registered a case at Chikkadpally police station, citing dangerous crowd management practices as the primary cause of the incident. With Allu Arjun’s arrest adding to the gravity of the case, the tragedy has sparked widespread grief and debate over accountability in large public events.