The highly acclaimed 17th Ayodhya Film Festival 2023 has awarded “Lachit The Warrior,” an animation film written and directed by Parthasarathi Mahanta, who is currently assigned as the DIG of Special Task Force (STF) of the Assam police, Best Animation Film. The film was produced by Mina Mahanta and Indrani Baruah.
This honor has been given to the short film about the life and accomplishments of the illustrious Assamese military general in several international film festivals both in India and overseas. Dr. Amariyoti Choudhury narrates “Lachit the Warrior,” while Rupam Talukdar composes the music. Creative director Anupam Mahanta is assisted by storyboard and illustration by Hrishikesh Bora and visual effects by Ratul Dutta.
The Great Assamese General Lachit Barphukan’s life and accomplishments are the subject of this short biopic. Barphukan, who was born on November 24, 1622, gained notoriety for his leadership during the Battle of Saraighat in 1671, which prevented the Mughal army from capturing Assam. In 1671, the Battle of Saraighat took place in what is now Guwahati, on the banks of the powerful Brahmaputra. Ahoms defeated the Mughals in what is regarded as one of the greatest naval battles on a river.