December 10, 2024: Bengaluru: A 34-year-old man from Uttar Pradesh, Atul Subhash, was found dead in his Bengaluru residence on Monday. Subhash, who worked at a private firm, reportedly took his own life by hanging, leaving behind a 40-page suicide note accusing his wife and her relatives of harassment.
The tragic incident occurred in the Manjunath Layout area under the jurisdiction of the Marathahalli police station. Preliminary investigations revealed that Subhash had been dealing with ongoing marital discord, and his wife had filed a legal case against him in Uttar Pradesh, according to a senior police officer.
Subhash's suicide note was emailed to several individuals and shared in a WhatsApp group associated with an NGO he was a member of. The note outlined allegations of mistreatment and provided details about his struggles.
Before ending his life, Subhash reportedly displayed a placard in his house that read, "Justice is due." He also left a detailed note on a cupboard, listing key information, including his death note’s location, vehicle keys, and a summary of completed and pending tasks.
Authorities are awaiting a formal complaint from Subhash’s family to register a case. “A detailed investigation is underway to ascertain the events leading up to the incident,” the police officer stated.
If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health issues or harassment, please seek immediate support from professionals or helplines in your area.