“25-year-old Sudheer Kumar’s Facebook post, filled with accusations against his wife’s family, sheds light on a tragic love story turned bitter.”
January 9, 2025: In a heart-wrenching incident from Uttar Pradesh’s Barabanki, 25-year-old Sudheer Kumar died by suicide, leaving behind a chilling note and a Facebook post titled “Hamari Adhoori Kahani” (Our Incomplete Story). The post featured pictures from his court marriage with Komal and their marriage certificate, revealing a love story marred by opposition and alleged harassment.
Sudheer’s note recounts his four-year-long relationship with Komal, culminating in a court marriage six months ago. However, their happiness was short-lived as Komal’s family reportedly opposed their union. Sudheer accused them of consistent harassment, which he claimed had pushed him to the edge.
The note alleged that Komal’s brother Ayush, who was initially supportive of their relationship, eventually sided with their parents. Sudheer wrote that Komal, under pressure from her family, ceased communication with him after revealing their marriage. He further accused Komal, her mother, and Ayush of demanding that he “die.”
Tragically, Sudheer was found hanging from a tree near his home on Thursday morning. His family alleges that Komal’s parents persistently pressured him to agree to a divorce. Sudheer had reportedly resisted, stating he would only consider it if Komal directly asked him to.
The police, led by officer Santosh Kumar, have sent Sudheer’s body for autopsy and initiated an investigation based on a complaint filed by his family. The case highlights the devastating consequences of societal and familial opposition to love marriages in India.
- Suicide Prevention
- Mental Health Awareness
- Barabanki Tragedy
- Social Stigma
- Family Pressure
- Love Marriages in India
- Harassment Allegations