"BSP chief alleges Congress hindered backward class progress, accuses BJP and Congress of failing to uphold the Constitution's spirit."
Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh), December 15: Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) chief Mayawati launched a sharp attack on Congress, accusing it of deliberately stalling the implementation of the Mandal Commission report and neglecting the progress of backward classes.
At a press conference on Sunday, Mayawati criticized previous Congress-led governments for not implementing the 27% reservation for Other Backward Classes (OBCs) recommended by the commission. "Congress kept the Mandal Commission report pending for years, depriving backward classes of their rightful opportunities. This reflects the real tactics, character, and face of Congress," she said.
The Mandal Commission, established in 1979 under the Janata Party government, was implemented in 1990 by Prime Minister V.P. Singh’s non-Congress government. "Backward classes cannot expect much from Congress, especially under the Nehru-Gandhi family. Their narrow-minded politics hinder true progress," Mayawati added.
Criticism of BJP and Congress
Mayawati also targeted the ruling BJP, accusing it of failing to provide justice, employment, and dignity to citizens as envisioned by the Constitution.
She argued that the essence of the Constitution lies in ensuring equitable progress, which both BJP and Congress have failed to achieve. "Discussions on 75 years of the Constitution are meaningless if the ruling parties fail to accept their inability to provide a life of dignity, justice, and opportunity to crores of Indians. True dedication, honesty, and patriotism in upholding the Constitution could have prevented the country’s current state," she said.
She further alleged that both BJP and Congress use diversion tactics to mask their governance failures.
Parliamentary Debate Sparks Accusations
Mayawati’s comments come in the wake of a two-day parliamentary debate marking the 75th anniversary of the Indian Constitution. During the discussion, Prime Minister Narendra Modi accused Congress of undermining the Constitution, while Leader of the Opposition Rahul Gandhi claimed that BJP’s governance aligns more with Manusmriti than constitutional values.
Mayawati dismissed these exchanges, asserting that neither party has genuinely committed to the Constitution's principles.