Neil Jordan Reflects on Casting Backlash Over Tom Cruise in ‘Interview With the Vampire’


Director Neil Jordan’s 1994 gothic horror film Interview With the Vampire is making headlines again as he reflects on the casting choices and the controversy that followed. According to Variety, Jordan discussed the challenges and backlash he faced for casting Tom Cruise as Lestat de Lioncourt, a decision that initially upset many fans of Anne Rice’s 1976 novel on which the film is based. The movie also starred Brad Pitt as Louis de Pointe du Lac.

In his memoir, Jordan revealed that he initially considered Daniel Day-Lewis for the role of Lestat. Brad Pitt had agreed to play Louis, and both he and author Anne Rice assumed Day-Lewis would play Lestat. However, Day-Lewis declined the role after reading the script.

“The problem was the casting of Lestat,” Jordan wrote. “Brad Pitt had agreed to play Louis and somehow assumed Daniel Day-Lewis would be playing Lestat, an assumption shared by Anne. I offered it to Daniel, who read it, and, as I expected, didn’t want to play the character.”

Jordan humorously noted that after Day-Lewis’s method acting as Christy Brown in My Left Foot, which involved staying in a wheelchair for the duration of the shoot, he would likely have had to sleep in a coffin for Interview With the Vampire. After moving on from Day-Lewis, Jordan met with Tom Cruise and found a perfect match in him for Lestat.

“I finally got it,” Jordan wrote. “He had to live a life removed from the gaze of others. He had made a contract with the hidden forces, whatever they turned out to be. He had to hide in the shadows, even in the Hollywood sunlight. He would be eternally young. He was a star. He could well be Lestat.”

Despite recognizing Cruise’s talent, Jordan faced significant backlash for the casting choice. “Half of America, it seemed, had read Anne Rice’s books and wanted a say in the casting of Lestat,” he continued. Anne Rice herself was vocal about her dissatisfaction, comparing the casting to Edward G. Robinson playing Rhett Butler. However, she later acknowledged that Cruise delivered an outstanding performance.

Jordan reflected on how Cruise’s portrayal eventually won over critics and fans alike. He emphasized that Cruise is “a superb actor,” a fact that got overshadowed by the initial outrage.

Looking ahead, Jordan is gearing up for his next project, The Well of Saint Nobody, adapted from his acclaimed 2023 novel of the same name. His memoir, Amnesiac: A Memoir, is set to be published on June 20, as reported by Variety.

The recollection of this casting saga highlights the unpredictable nature of Hollywood and the eventual vindication of bold creative decisions.

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