‘Sense of insecurity….’ Kavita Krishnamurti explains why some artists throw tantrums


Kavita Krishnamurti, Indian playback singer known for her versatility and rich contribution to Indian music, shared her insights on the temperaments and insecurities of artists.

Kavita Krishnamurti reflected on her experiences with fellow artists, highlighting the diverse personalities and the underlying insecurities that sometimes manifest as tantrums. Krishnamurti, who has a decorated career including several Filmfare Awards and a Padma Shri, suggests that such behaviors are part of the individual differences that make each artist unique.

Krishnamurti acknowledges that not all artists exhibit humility or groundedness, attributing these variations to factors such as upbringing, past hardships, and personal struggles. She notes that while some artists may demand first-class treatment or show discontent with accommodations, these actions often stem from deeper insecurities rather than mere caprice.

Comparing her experiences with Western musicians like George Duke, Stanley Clark, and Hubert Laws, Krishnamurti points out their down-to-earth nature, emphasizing how upbringing and self-reliance from a young age can influence an artist’s behavior. She observes that many Western musicians are self-sufficient, carrying their own instruments and luggage, showcasing a stark contrast to some Indian artists who might expect a higher level of service or exhibit diva-like behaviors.

Krishnamurti’s reflections also touch upon the impact of an artist’s background on their personality and behaviors. She mentions that some classical musicians, despite their exceptional talent on stage, face challenges off stage due to a lack of formal education or social skills, which could contribute to their complex behaviors.

Throughout her global travels and collaborations across genres, Krishnamurti has witnessed a wide range of artist behaviors. Her understanding and acceptance of these differences underline her belief in the importance of acknowledging and respecting individual backgrounds and experiences.

Kavita Krishnamurti’s perspective provides a compassionate and nuanced view of the complexities within the artist community, recognizing that the path to artistic excellence is often intertwined with personal trials and insecurities. Her experiences underscore the diversity of artists’ personalities and the factors that shape their interactions with the world around them.

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