Bollywood actress Taapsee Pannu, known for her powerful performances, has once again captivated her fans by sharing a sneak peek from her upcoming thriller...
The makers of the action-thriller 'Kill', starring Lakshya, have revealed a striking new poster and announced the trailer release date. The much-anticipated trailer will...
The Bombay High Court has approved the release of 'Hamare Baarah' after the filmmakers agreed to remove two contentious dialogues. This decision was reached...
Shraddha Kapoor, known for her Sunday updates showcasing her personal life, recently explained her absence from her beloved 'Shrunday' selfie tradition. On Instagram, the...
Actor Sonu Sood recently shared behind-the-scenes pictures from his upcoming film 'Fateh.' On Saturday, Sood posted a picture on Instagram featuring veteran actor Naseeruddin...
Actor Amit Sadh on Wednesday unveiled the trailer for his upcoming YouTube series, 'Motorcycles Saved My Life,' chronicling his journey from Mumbai to Leh....
The highly anticipated song 'Tu Hai Champion' from the movie 'Chandu Champion,' starring Kartik Aaryan, is set to release tomorrow. The film's makers took...