In a candid and emotional episode of 'The Great Indian Kapil Show,' Bollywood's beloved Deol brothers, Sunny and Bobby, bared their souls, reflecting on...
Preity Zinta is gearing up for a grand comeback to Bollywood with her latest venture, 'Lahore 1947', co-starring veteran actor Sunny Deol. Under the...
Mumbai (Maharashtra) : The makers of ‘Laapataa Ladies’, ahead of its release, hosted a special screening on Tuesday evening. Actor Sunny Deol graced...
Mumbai (Maharashtra) : After Abhimanyu Singh, actor Ali Fazal has joined the cast of Sunny Deol-starrer 'Lahore 1947'.As per a statement, Ali Fazal has...
After a video of Sunny Deol seeming inebriated and strolling along a Mumbai street went viral, his followers became concerned. In the video, Sunny—who...