The All India Football Federation (AIFF) has initiated an independent inquiry into the internal processes surrounding the contract renewal of former head coach Igor Stimac. This decision comes in the wake of Stimac's contract termination on June 17, which followed a virtual meeting with AIFF senior officials.
After his contract was terminated, Stimac filed a claim for $920,000 with the FIFA Football Tribunal. However, he and the AIFF have since reached a compensation settlement regarding his departure from the coaching position. In a recent meeting held in Hyderabad, the AIFF Executive Committee discussed Stimac's contract renewal, termination, and the eventual settlement of his claims.
The committee concluded that the renewal process had left the federation in a "compromised negotiating position." The AIFF expressed concerns that Stimac's renewal in 2023 had occurred on "unapproved and unfavorable terms," resulting in significant financial implications for the federation. This inquiry aims to investigate the personnel involved and the procedures followed during this process. The AIFF members voiced their concerns about Stimac continuing to represent the federation in various committees of the South Asian Football Federation and the Asian Football Confederation, despite no longer holding any position in Indian football. They have requested action to address this situation.
U20 Men's National Team: During the meeting, the committee also proposed that the India Under-20 men's national team participate in the I-League. This initiative aims to provide the young squad with competitive match experience in preparation for upcoming tournaments like the AFC Asian Cup 2026 and the Asian Games 2026.
The independent inquiry into Igor Stimac's contract renewal highlights the AIFF's commitment to transparency and accountability in its operations. Additionally, the proposed participation of the U20 team in the I-League reflects the federation's focus on developing future talent and enhancing the competitiveness of Indian football on the international stage.