January 15, 2025: The trailer for Back in Action, the highly anticipated action-comedy film starring Jamie Foxx and Cameron Diaz, has been released by Netflix. The film follows former CIA spies Emily (Cameron Diaz) and Matt (Jamie Foxx), who have left their espionage careers to enjoy a peaceful family life. However, their tranquility is shattered when their secret identities are exposed, forcing them to dive back into the dangerous world of espionage.
Directed by Seth Gordon (known for Horrible Bosses), the film also features Glenn Close, Kyle Chandler, Andrew Scott, McKenna Roberts, Rylan Jackson, and Jamie Demetriou. The script is co-written by Gordon and Brendan O'Brien. This film marks Diaz’s return to acting after an eight-year hiatus, with her last appearance in Annie (2014), also starring Jamie Foxx.
The Back in Action trailer follows a teaser released in November 2024, highlighting the thrilling and comedic dynamic between the two leads as they navigate the dangers of their spy lives. Diaz’s return to the screen was announced in 2022, and filming began in December of that year, running through January 2024. The film's production faced a brief pause in April 2023 due to a medical emergency involving Foxx.
Back in Action will premiere on Netflix on January 17, 2025. This film also marks the third collaboration between Diaz and Foxx, following Any Given Sunday (1999) and Annie (2014).