UP’s International Film City: A Game-Changer Promising 50,000 Jobs


Uttar Pradesh is on the brink of a transformative venture with the launch of its ambitious International Film City project. Spearheaded by Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, this initiative promises to revolutionize the state’s entertainment landscape while creating substantial employment opportunities.

Construction of the International Film City is slated to begin within the next 4 to 6 months, with the aim of becoming operational within three years. Located within the Yamuna Expressway Industrial Development Authority (YEIDA) region near Jewar Airport, the project aspires to compete with well-established film hubs like Mumbai, Hyderabad, and Chennai.

The Film City is designed to address the current challenges faced by aspiring filmmakers and industry professionals who often relocate to other cities for better opportunities. YEIDA’s CEO, Arun Vir Singh, highlighted the project’s vast scope and impact, stating, “The International Film City will be a game-changer for Uttar Pradesh. It will provide employment to 50,000 people directly and benefit 5 to 7 lakh individuals indirectly, spanning across Uttar Pradesh and neighboring states like Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, and Haryana.”

Singh elaborated on the comprehensive facilities planned within the Film City. It will feature replicas of scenic locales such as Himachal Pradesh, Kullu Manali, and Kashmir, along with necessary infrastructure like roads, airports, and helipads. The complex will include diverse shooting environments, including temples, mosques, and churches, making it a versatile location for filmmakers seeking varied settings.

In comparison to Mumbai’s Film City, the YEIDA region boasts modern infrastructure, including connectivity via Rapid Rail, Metro, Indian Railways, and Transit Rail. Additionally, the Film City will offer accommodation options like hotels and villas, addressing logistical challenges commonly faced by film crews.

Economically, the International Film City is projected to boost Uttar Pradesh’s GDP by 1.5 to 2 percent once it becomes operational, underscoring its potential as a significant economic driver. This project aligns with CM Yogi Adityanath’s vision of promoting Uttar Pradesh as a secure and thriving destination for investments and cultural activities.

Security measures within the YEIDA area will be enhanced, ensuring a safe environment conducive to round-the-clock operations. Advanced technology-driven surveillance and proactive law enforcement initiatives will contribute to maintaining a secure atmosphere for residents and visitors alike.

The International Film City also aims to attract global filmmakers by offering state-of-the-art facilities at competitive costs, positioning itself as a cost-effective alternative to foreign shooting locations. This strategic initiative seeks to bolster India’s standing in the global film industry while promoting local talent and cultural diversity.

As construction gears up and preparations intensify, stakeholders eagerly anticipate the unveiling of Uttar Pradesh’s International Film City. This project is poised to redefine the state’s entertainment landscape and contribute significantly to its economic growth, marking a new era in the region’s cultural and economic development.

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