Israel Says It Is ‘Evaluating’ List It received of hostages set to be released today


Tel Aviv [Israel] : Discussions are ongoing regarding a list of hostages to be released today that was received overnight and is being “evaluated,” the Israeli Prime Minister’s Office Minister’s Office-Coordinator for the Hostages and Missing has announced in a statement. It further said that additional information will be issued when possible.

Taking to X, the Israeli Prime Minister’s Office stated, “Announcement by the Prime Minister’s Office-Coordinator for the Hostages and Missing: Discussions are being held on the list that was received overnight and which is now being evaluated in Israel. Additional information will be issued when possible.”

Israel has received the list of 11 hostages that are set to be released today after 52 days of being in captivity in Gaza, The Times of Israel reported citing Hebrew media outlets report.

According to the report, families of the victims have not been notified whether their loved ones are on the list of hostages that are set to be released today.

It is pertinent to note here that so far, Hamas has released 39 abductees in the first three days of a temporary ceasefire deal. According to a temporary ceasefire deal, 50 hostages will be released in four days in return for 150 Palestinian security prisoners. The deal can be extended by a day for every 10 additional hostages set free.

As per the news report, Hamas has expressed willingness to extend the truce and the two sides are reportedly holding negotiations on such an extension.

Meanwhile, families are being reunited and the check-up of 17 people, including nine children, who were released from Gaza on Sunday evening was being done by medical staff, The Times of Israel reported.

Dr Efrat Bron-Harlev said, “The physical condition of the nine children and two mothers is stable.” She said that they will also undergo psychological assessments.”

Among the freed hostages at Schnieder are four members of the Almog-Goldstein family – mother Chen and children Gal (9), Tal (11) and daughter Agam (17). Their father, Nadav, and their older sister, Yam, were killed during Hamas’ attack on Israel on October 7, The Times of Israel reported.

Speaking to Channel 12 News, the children’s aunt Inbar Goldstein said, “The Almog-Goldstein family is again among us in Israel.” She said, “They are okay, in good condition and they are smiling. They know about the enormous tragedy that befell their family on that same black Shabbat. Now they will take time for a deep breath, to truly smile, and to start to pick up the pieces and continue the campaign until all the hostages are returned healthy and whole,” The Times of Israel reported citing Channel 12 News.

On Sunday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visited the Gaza Strip where he received security briefings with commanders and soldiers.

Taking to X, the Israeli Prime Minister’s Office stated, “Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visited in the Gaza Strip, where he received security briefings with commanders and soldiers and visited one of the tunnels that has been revealed. “We are continuing until the end – until victory. Nothing will stop us. Am Yisrael Chai.” 

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