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Elton John’s new album is “all done and recorded”: Bernie Taupin


Legendary rock icon Elton John is set to delight fans with a new album, as confirmed by his longtime collaborator Bernie Taupin. The exciting news was revealed during The Other Songs Live event in London and confirmed by People magazine.

“Elton and I have an album coming out very soon, but I daren’t say anything about it because I’m under strict orders to keep schtum,” revealed Taupin, the prolific lyricist behind many of John’s greatest hits. He assured listeners that the album is “all done and recorded” and hinted that it would surprise and excite audiences with its contemporary flair, aiming for success.

Elton John's new album is "all done and recorded": Bernie Taupin

This announcement follows Taupin’s previous hints about their creative partnership. Speaking to People magazine last September, Taupin emphasized the duo’s unwavering commitment to producing new music, even if touring might not be on the horizon for John. “Who knows, he may not do anything anymore, but we’ll definitely make another record,” Taupin affirmed, adding, “there’s no doubt about that.”

Reflecting on their enduring collaboration, Taupin highlighted the importance of music in their bond. “The glue that’s kept us together all through these years is the music. I think the musicality of it all is what’s important. And that’s where we are completely 50/50, hand in hand,” he said.

While official confirmation from John’s team is still pending, fans eagerly anticipate the release of this new album, ready to witness another chapter in the illustrious careers of these two musical icons.

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